The Adoration Of The Magi
artist unknown, Taull, Spain, 12th century AD

Tympanum of the South Portal of Saint-Pierre, Moissac
artist unknown, 1115-1135AD

Abraham and the Three Angels (from Psalter of St. Louis)
artist unknown, 1253-70AD
Diptych of Anastasius (Diptyque de Flavius Anastasius Probus)
artist unknown, 517AD, Constantinople
The Medieval Period
Medieval - 400AD - 1400AD
made of elephant tusks - Ivory
Children around the bottom
Golden colour
A bird on the staff, authority
Cherubs - angles of children
There is writing on the top
Head dress, reef - gods, holy
The man in the middle is the main focus
Faces on the top - past emperors, ancestors
Symbolic style - not realism
Abraham and three Angels
Tree - separates the image into 2
Abraham is told by God they are going to have a child, begs him to stay for dinner
Angels are wearing medieval clothes
Cathedral in the background, wasn't around when Abraham was around
The artist was trying to make it relevant for the time
The frame tells us about the times - stained glass window
They could read so at church they have stained glass windows with show the bible through pictures
The art is no longer functioning to show off, however to tell a story as people were illiterate.
Tympanum of the South portal of Saint-Pierre
Everything is looking towards the middle where a large person (maybe a god) is sitting
Very detailed
Lots of people
Halo around the main ruler/God
It's an arch
Patterns around the arch
There is a missing brick - age
Some have a knife
24 people
Angles at the top
Holding a book
Religion of patterns
Legs crossed of the Bottom people
Big throne- God
little thrones- others looking towards
There all holding things
Sizing, you tell what is most important
Descriptive artwork trying to illustrate revelations chapter 4 in the bible.
People walk through it which symbolises walking into heaven, it is good for you.
The church has all the power.
The adoration of the maji
colours - blue, red, yellow, green
God in the middle with a small person on lap - on a throne, in an egg shape
Painted on a ceiling
Words written - names of the 3 wise men
The two in the middle both have halos
Three men on the outside (three wise men?)
Painted fresco
2 stars
The three men are holding bowls, other hand hidden
Holding a scroll, message
Hand symbol - holiness
Medieval clothing
Crowns on the 3 men
Repetitive colours
The wise men presenting gifts to Jesus
One of the men is arabic, the other Indian and another Persian.
The same gift
Mary and Jesus are on thrones
Jesus looks like a miniature old man
Royal clothing... Never would have happened
Inside a church
Not an accurate description, Mary looks like she is the high one not Jesus, Mary dressed like a nun
Amy -🌹
1st art work
A large stone carving of a king like figure surrounded by smaller worshippers.
Ruler has a halo around his head.
Arch over the ruler.
The smaller carvings are looking up towards the ruler.
Ruler wearing ceremonial robes.
Repetition of patterns.
Has a eagle creature on the rulers arm.
Ruler Standing on a cloud or waves.
The smaller worshippers have their own smaller thrones.
Drawing of Revelations passage.
Symbolises entering the house of God.
Spherical ceiling art work
Repetition of main figure
Halo around main figures head
Looks to be worshipped by others
God sitting on a throne
Their is someone sitting on his lap.
Three primary colours red, yellow , blue, green.
Mary, Jesus and the three wise men.
Paint merged with plaster artwork.
The wise men are holding bowls.
Little Jesus carrying a scroll
Two stars
Writing in background - names of traditional wise men.
Bright coloured clothing.
Everybody is crowned.
The medieval period (400AD - 1400AD)
Rome under emperor constintine became a Christian nation
You pray to saints for different things similarly to the ancients praying to different gods for different things.
Created Christmas and Easter.
Why is this important to art?
The Roman Empire was taken over and by the 800-900AD Rome was a religious group instead of a political group.
The medieval times had lords and kings and the whole hierarchy
Diptych of anastasius
Main person is holding a stick
The same but the bottom sections
Head dress he's the main focus
Flat sculpture
He is very important in the scheme of things
The wealth around his head represents gods and it's like a halo
There are past emperors that are dead
Fight in a colosseum - the cloth that he's holding is to kill the person their fighting
Made of Ivory
The style is different - symbolise the emperor's power
Abraham and the three Angels
The Middle Ages was dominated by catholic Christians
European culture
There is a tree separates the picture the characters are repeated on either side
When they told Abraham that Isaac was going be born
Share a meal together
Wearing medieval cloths
There's a church in the background
Relevant for the present people
The frame is a fashion thing, it tells us of the culture
People can't read. That's why everything was in pictures - stain glass windows etc.
Art tells stories
Tympanum of the South portal of Saint-Pierre 1115-1135AD
It's the shape of an arch, with a main person thing in the middle - a person who is a ruler. Made from stone, there is 24 little people around him, all facing the ruler, there are animals in the centre. It has lots of detail, the ruler has a halo and wearing fancy clothing, the ruler is holding a book, there's a bird thing, repetition of patterns. All on thrones.
Symbolism: the sizing, the eagle,
Revelation ch 4
Over the gateway into the church.
The adoration of the Magi
There is in the centre, there is a holy ruler man sitting on a throne with a person sitting on the throne. Painted on a dome, three wise men, Mary, Jesus and the 3 wise men. Colours: red, yellow, blue, and green. There is writing. Halo thing around the heads. The wise men are holding bowls, the little man is hold a scroll, the writing is of the names of the wise men. The pointing hand is holy and blessing stuff. The are 2 stars, the wise men are wearing fancy clothing its medieval not Jesus time, rich wealthy, the wise people have crowns.
The wise men: one is Arabic, one was Indian, and one was Persian.
Compared to the bible: the same gift, the wise men (not necessarily 3), Mary and Jesus is on a throne. Jesus is a miniature old man. The clothing is royal. The wise men are wearing crowns, they became kings historically because some snobby family wanting to be more famous.
It's all a bit messed up, it doesn't represent anything properly.
- Emma Wooden
What do u see?
-someone holding some kinda staff (tribal staff or magical staff of some sort)
-children on the bottom or cherubs.
-bird on/in the staff
-two panels identical except for the bottom.
-head dress
-he's the main focus
-flat sculpture, cartoonish
- royalty
-they r in charge of everything (he's bigger than everything and above most of everything)
-God, Saints have a halo.
-people above are images of his past ancestors.
-cloth In hand hold the power of someone's life. In the fights if the White cloth was dropped they would die if they hold onto it the live.
Abraham and the three Angels.
-the tree in the middle splits the artwork in two.
-the angles are wearing medieval clothes.
-all the objects in the art is from the medieval times.
Tympanum of the South portal of Saint Pierre.
-ruler (authority)
- holy halo around the ruler
- it's stone
- many people around the ruler
- there's an arch at the top
- angles
- different animals around him (bird and dragons?)
-detailed patterns
- 24 people
- he has a book
-he's sitting on a throne
-the hall
The adoration of the magi
- a god sitting on the throne.
-smaller person sitting on a bigger persons lap.
- painted on a semi dome.
- Mary, Jesus and the three wise men.
- painted onto wet paster
- wise men holding offerings
- little Jesus holding a message
- two starts at the top.
- Jesus hand hold is like a blessing symbol.
- the traditional names of the three wise men.
- the wise men are hiding one arm.
- the people on the out side have crown
- the clothes are of the time of the painting not of the time of the story.
What's wrong with the picture
-all the same gifts
- we didn't know if there actually were three wise me (there could have been more)
- Mary and Jesus are on a throne
- there are two stars.
-Jesus isn't a baby or a toddler he's like a small man.
- Jesus and Mary were in rich clothes.
-the three wise men had crowns.
Tympanum of the South portal of Saint-Pierre
Missing brick
Lots of patterns around the outside (detailed)
Little men at the bottom looking up at the ruler
Big man in middle (ruler)
He has a halo
It's stone
Arch above ruler
Everyone is looking at the ruler
They are eating
Ceremonial robes
24 people around
Angel wing things at the top
Ruler holding a bible book type thing
Cross behind the ruler
Sizing of thrones
Illustration of Revelation chapter 4
The adoration of the magi
Ruler sitting on a throne
Ruler has someone sitting on him pointing his hand as a gun to people on the side (guns not invented, represents holiness)
Three wise men bringing him food
Painted on half a dome ceiling
Lots of colours red yellow blue green
Mary and Jesus with the three wise man
Mary on throne Jesus on lap
Painted, not carved
Halo type thing around the head
Wise men are holding bowls
Jesus has a message in his hand
There are two stars
Writing in the background with the three wise men's names
Wise men are holding their hands under their coats
Clothes would be expensive
Clothing is more medieval instead of bible clothes
Halo looks like a moon
Arabic, Indian, Persian are three cultures of wise men
One is old, other two are young
They are on the throne - would have actually been in a house kinda thing
Royal clothing
Three wise men are wearing crowns
Painted in a church
Lesson 1
Loc Hughes
Throughout each of the sculptures you begin to see how the quality and realism of the works progress throughout the thousands of years between each sculpture.
Some obvious details that can be seen quite clearly is the proportion of the bodies. The first sculpture from the 8th century is very small and unrealistic when compared the the more modern 'Discoblus' sculpture from 450B.C.
From pouring melted bronze into a mould to then carving from marble rock... you can see how the method in making each sculpture has also come along way.
The detail in the more 'modern' sculptures are scaled up far more realistic compared the earlier ones. Considering the early sculptures started at 20cm to later a much more human like size at almost 2m.
Discoblus is by far the most realistic and detailed work of the sculptures. The muscle tone and position of the life size body makes it very accurate. By looking at what he's holding you can tell that there is a lot to 'discuss' ;) - He is about to throw a discuss which gives you the impression that the sculpture was sculpted around the times of the ancient Olympics.
Lesson 2
Between the two sculptures the head of the patrician definitely stands out as the more realistic of the two, (the other one being the head of Pompey)
They resemble humans apposed to some of the previous sculptures made out to look like Gods.
The Bath of Cracella
- patterns
- really tall walls in comparison
- a meeting place ( library, pools ect. )
- resembles a temple
- Grand central station resembles this building
The last painting is just down right disgusting
- contrasting colours (including nationalities)
- different animals ( lion, birds and even a deer doing 69 with a human )
- religion
- artists start showing there technique to impress
Lesson 3
- holding a staff
- cherubs
- children
- animals
- birds on the staff
- writing across the top
- almost identical
- lions near feet
- headdress
- centre of attention
- cartoonish
- royal
- size is symbolic to him being important
- wreath signifies holiness
- past emperors looking down on him (his ancestors)
- cloth: war in the colosseum
Tympanum of the South port
is taken directly from the Commentaria in Apocalypsin of Beatus. The fierce and majestic Christ is surrounded by the symbols of the four Evangelists; gazing up at Him,
- the twenty-four Elders assume animated postures, their bending, twisting movements accentuated by the broad, agitated folds of their drapery. In its monumental size and in such details of execution as the flat, curving drapery folds, the composition is characteristic of the art of Languedoc.
-Christ in the middle
-potentially surrounded by many symbols such as the four Evangelists
- figure in the middle is the centre of attention or main focus:
- largest figure
- in the middle of the page
- on a thrown wearing a hallow with a holy cross behind his head
- 24 elders surrounding the figure in the middle looking towards him
400 AD -1400 AD Medieval period
Emperor Constantine changed the official religion to Christianity, not necessarily a good thing, mainly political decision, changed into roman catholosim , Saints were like new Greek/Roman gods, not the original Christianity. Christmas not celebrated til late 600 AD. December 25 common date as it is the winter equinox = big winter festival, became Christian reason. Easter celebration falls beginning of spring fertility festival, around about same time as Jewish Passover.
Same time Vandals began to fight Romans, took lots of roman territory, vandalism came from the word used for people who came to destroy. Roman culture began to shrink. 800-900 AD middle of Roman Empire religious not political as much.
Two pictures, almost identical differences in bottom section, person holding stick of some kind, children, animals, golden colour, staff bird on top, cherubs, writing across the top, lion things next to feet, head dress, man main focus, 2D - flat sculpture, unrealistic cartoonish, size shows importance, he is holy and like gods, Greeks gave wreaths to important people, past emperors above, staff power, cloth to end fight in coliseum to decide who wins or dies, style changed, no longer care about realism, symbolism more important.
Most Europe Christianised, medieval middle era, tree separates image into two pieces, no realistic, the story of Abraham getting Issac in a years time- right hand side telling him, left hand side they are being invited to a feast. Angels judging, medieval clothes, church with stain glass windows in background all stuff from 1200s all relatable but historically in accurate, appropriation. Frame fashion statement, most people can't read so artists depicted the stories so common people could understand frame was to elevate importance. Art no longer functions as skill showing but as telling stories.
Carving sits over southern entrance - arched. Ruler on throne many other people around him, all faces turned towards him, the further away from him the smaller they are, very detailed, floral patterns framing the scene, holy halo on ruler, stone, bird on left shoulder, strange animals at feet, ceremonial robes on ruler, ruler holding book, repetition of patterns, Angel leaning in. Realism no concern. All holding different things, sizing symbolic. Simple illustration of Revelation 4. They would walk through it, symbol of entering the house of
God, good for your soul to enter, church has power and authority. King would have war against the church to claim power.
Adoration of the Magi, in Spain. Colourful, depicting the magi taking presents to Jesus. On semi domed ceiling of arch way, Jesus sitting on the lap of Mary. Jesus with scroll in hand, one hand outstretched in divine had gesture. Mary and Jesus in middle on throne, detailed framing. Mary seen in high honour as she is on throne, painted on wet plaster, halo on both their heads, tradition names of wise men, arms hidden in elaborate cloaks, bright colours, wise men have crowns, two stars, medieval clothing. Main colours red, blue, yellow, green. Lots of mythology. No numbers were given of the amount of wise men, no names were given either. Traditionally they were Arabic, Indian and Persian. One is old others are young to make more universal. Incorrect Mary and Jesus on throne, they would be in a regular house. Miniature old man should be a baby or toddler age, clothing royal, magi wearing crowns, magi became kings because in Italy there was a family who was very powerful, they paired artists to represent them as magi, therefore the magi became kings in tradition. It was a power play. Painting over main alter. Royalty would be there, that peasants are small and lonely. Interpretation of a story not the biblical story. Mary's dressed like a nun, that's what all women wore in the beginning of nuns. Don't assume that the art work is depicting is what it is about.
By Phoebe Bennett
Diptych of Anastasius
Person holding a stick
Bird on the top of the staff
Children down the bottom
Animals down the bottom
Writing across the top
Two panels very similar
Head dress on - royalty gods, holy
Main focus
The characters size - shows significance
Images of ancestors that came before him
Symbols of war - coliseum
Cloth in right hand - tool to end fight win death - symbol of losers life in his hands
Abraham And The Three Angels
Separated by the tree
Abraham receiving news that his wife will have a child. His wife listens from a distance
Dragons on the corner
Women wearing medieval clothing
Church in the background
Tympanum of South Portal of Saint Pierre, Mosaic artist unknown
Made entirely of stone
A king figure (ruler) in the centre with a holy halo cross behind his head
Lots of little people around the ruler
Arch over the ruler
Ceremonial robes worn by ruler
24 Little people looking up to him - heads at awkward angles
People around him holding things
An eagle next to his left shoulder
Book or something in his hand - educated, bible
Sitting on a throne
A(dogs?) on the floor under the eagle
Maybe be a heiarchy.
Missing brick
Detailed patterns around the arches
Whispering Angels
The artwork is an illustration of revelations 4
It was a way for the church to portray themselves as the way to heaven.
Church goers walked under it
The adoration of the magi
Mother Mary on the throne with child Jesus on her lap
She has a circle halo. He has a halo with a cross
They are in a central position
Three wise men giving gifts
Painted on a semi domed ceiling
'Caspas' 'Mehlior' 'baldazar'?
paint is embedded into the plaster
Plaster/paint is peeled off
Jesus holding a scroll in left hand and holy symbol in other hand
Wise men's arms hidden behind elaborate cloaks
Bright coloured clothed
Crowned wise men
Two stars - one red on blue
Holding gifts
Clothing is not biblical but more medieval
3D pattern around edges
Not a baby - Jesus looks like a midget
Probably directly above the altar of the church
They're watching you
Jesus wasn't rich or powerful - he is presented that way in the artwork - royal clothing, throne
People could on.y believe what they were told and were shown in pictures. They had to put all their trust in their leaders in the church
The church had the authority to tell the poor people how they should think and treat the church.
The medieval period:
Medi - middle, Eval - time/ages
- medieval period (1400AD)
Diptych of anastaius:
- person holding a stick
- two panels are almost alike besides the bottom section
- head dress
- main focus is the person in the middle
- 2D rather then 3D
- not as realistic as the Romans/Greeks
- piece around head - royalty, importance, symbol of being holy
- going from the geeks having reefs, to having halo like head pieces
- reminders of past emperors above the main guy
- fight in the colosseum kinda thing down the bottom of the panel
- cloth represents ending the fight by killing each other
- made of Ivory
- style has changed, artists no longer interested in realism
- importance is to symbolise the emperors power
Abraham and the three Angels:
- tree down the middle is significant as it seperates the two people
- story that is being told, three men go visit Abraham and tell him she was going to have a child in three years time
- right hand side is when they are telling him
- left hand side is after they tell him about the child Abraham asks them to stay and eat
- Angels look like judges, and are wearing medieval clothes (would not wear them in Jesus' time)
- artwork is from the 12000
- background: church with stain glassed windows
- wanted the picture to be more relatable to the time they were in
- artist is putting their culture into the picture
- picture is drawn down, the frame symbolises the culture
- most people in that time couldn't read, the frame elevates the picture to tell them it's important
- the art is no longer functioning artists showing off, it's about telling stories to people because the people in that time were illiterate
- reading wasn't a big deal in their culture
- the function of art has shifted significant, art now is more functional
Tympanum of the South portal of Saint-Pierre:
- multiple people (kings maybe?) in the arches looking up to the main person in the middle which is larger than most
- holy halo around the ruler
- it's stone
- missing brick - age of the art work
- has pet seals?
- detailed patterns
- eagle - bird besides him
- ceremonial robes
- 24 people are around him
- angle/wings around him
- repetition of patterns
- angle on the right side is leaning in
- cross behind the ruler symbolises holiness
- middle figure is most important as it is larger then all
- illustration of a passage from revelation
- symbolising: entering the house of God
- church as authority, saying they need to go to them, to get to God
- showing the people what position the church is in
The adoration of the magi:
- painted onto the wall rather then carved
- the three character on the outside symbolise the three wise men
- the first thing you look at is the two people in the middle of the painting
- the two main people are sitting on a thrown
- lots of colours - predominantly primary colours
- Mary and Jesus are the main focus, sitting on the thrown
- halo around heads - meaning they are holy
- wise men are holding bowls
- baby Jesus is holding a scroll
- words in the background: name of the three wise men
- baby Jesus is showing a symbol for holiness with his hand
- rich clothing
- crowns and halos are symbolised
- more medieval clothing, not holy clothing
- story being depicted is the wise men coming to Jesus
- three wise men, the bible doesn't tell you how many wise me there actually were
- wise men from the east: early church used that saying each culture of the East came together to worship God
- traditionally they were three different cultures
- characters aren't in proportion
- clothing is royal: symbolic
- painting inside church: directly above the alter
- the people that are in authority are close to God, god is all about power and authority to a peasant
- the church was the authority on the way you live
- the artworks is of the church being the authority figure, telling poor people how to think and treat the church
Diptych of anastasius
Dress, animals, people, faces, cherubs, goats, staff, bird, animal chair legs, writing, head dress, main focus
Flat sculpture, cartoonish
Size of character = importance
Saints have a halo
Cloth = symbol of power & life
Abraham and the three Angels
Sarah eavesdropping on Angels telling him he will have a child
Abraham begs them to stay
Medieval clothes
Modernisation of the original story
Dragon border
Story telling through art
Tympanum of the south portal of saint-pierre
man in middle in robes
People looking up at man in middle
Patterned borders
All looking at man in middle
Some holding diamond shaped objects
Halo stone
Past rulers
Sitting at odd angles
Pet things
Missing brick
Man has crown
Man has book
Cross behind head
Holding knives etc
Sizing – larger = more importance
Revelations 4
The adoration of the magi
Large figure on throne
Small figure on lap
Three surrounding figures with bowls
Surrounding figures have crowns
Sitting figures have halos
Red star and blue star
Writing on skyline
Wearing robes
Small person holding scroll
Patterned border
Colours: predominantly blue. Primary colours plus green
Holy hand symbol
Medieval clothing
Three wise men
~Carissa Saul
Diptych of Anastasius 517AD
Panels are almost identical apart from bottom panels
Person holding a staff
On the right children down the bottom
Animals down the bottom
Colour is golden
She is holding a bird on the staff
Cherubs up the top
Writing at the very top
Lions next to the feet
Headdress round his head
He's the main focus
Crown maybe symbolic of royalty
Size shows his symbolic importance
Crown symbol of the gods - holiness
Wreaths evolve to halos
Reminders of the people gone before - emperors that came before, his ancestors
Style has changed - realism isn't the point
All about symbolism and power of the emperor not what he looks like
Abraham and the three Angels 1253-70AD
Tree splits the image in two
Illustrates the story of when the Angels come to tell Abraham that he will have Isaac
The left side is when they arrive and Abraham is begging them to eat with him
The right side is when they are telling Abraham and eating with him and Sarah is eavesdropping
Angels wearing medieval clothing
There is a huge church in the background with stained glass windows, didn't exist when Abraham was alive
The crockery is from the wrong time too
Artist is trying to make it more relate able for the culture and time
Frame tells us about the culture and is purely fashionable
Most people who go to church can't read
Artists made stained glass windows to tell the stories
Frame stops the picture from being put down as everyday and marks it as being important
The art is no longer functioning as artists showing off but telling stories for the people who are illiterate. They would use this like a picture book
Artwork analysis
Tympanum of the south portal of Saint Pierre, mossaic artist unknown, 1115 AD-1135 AD
detailed stone carving
Angels and people looking up to an exalted God/king figure
Arch/semi circle frame
Main figure has halo
Pet seals?
Artwork is aged as their is a missing piece in the arch
Eagle to right
Leaning angel to left
Main figure holding book
Repeat patterns
Other characters are holding goblets
The adoration of the Magi artist unknown, Taull, Spain, 12th century AD fresco
Main figure has its own border and has a smaller figure in its lap
On the right there are 2 characters and on the left there is one more
Smaller figure is holding a scroll
The main figure and the figure in its lap have halos however the halo of the smaller one has a cross in it
The main figures halo appears to be the moon, there are 2 stars to the left and right of the main figure
Art work painted on domed half ceiling
Colors are primary
People on sides have names written under them(the three wise men)
The three wise men carry offerings
The smaller (Jesus character) is holding a message in one hand in the form of a scroll
The clothing is medieval not really the clothing that people in Jesus' era would wear
Nico b.
The Medieval Period
The Adoration of the Magi
12th century AD
Different ranges of colour
A smaller figure sitting on a larger figure
Painted on a semi dome ceiling
Painted onto wet plaster
Halo around the head
There is writing in background
The clothing of the wise men is not biblical clothing more medieval
Inside a church
Tympanum of the South Portal of Saint-Pierre
1115-1135 AD
Carving of a southern entrance at a cathedral
Stone carvings
At the very bottom there are small humans all facing up to a much larger carving
Halo on the ruler
Missing brick which tells the audience of the the age of the artwork
Detailed patterns
A bird or eagle on the right side of the ruler from the audiences person point of view
Angels on the top
Repetition of patterns
They are all holding different things
The sizing is different which emphasises the different figures (one figure larger than the other)
Entering the house of God
The culture in medieval Europe catholic and Christian dominate
Representation of a passage in Revelation
Abraham and the three Angels
1253-70 AD
There is a tree down the middle which separates the image
The characters in the artwork are the same on both sides however, each side represent a different meaning
The right side of the artwork is of Abraham being visited/told that he and Sarah will conceive a child
The left side is where Abraham invites these Angels to a feast
Wearing medieval clothes
There is a huge church in the background, with stained glass windows - did not exist when Abraham was alive
Everything is from the 1200s
Made to relate to the audience/culture
The frame is a fashion statement
Most people who go to church couldn't read, the pictures are to help those who couldn't read pointing out the important stories within the bible
The art is no longer functioning to boast about their artistic skills however, used to tell stories and interpret a message to the illiterate and others
Diptych of Anastasius
517 AD, Ivory
Named after Constantine (The city of Constantine)
On the bottom right there are children
Animals down the bottom
The colour is like golden colour
There's a bird (eagle) at the top of the staff
Writing at the top
Panels are almost identical, the bottom is only different
Little lions at the bottom of the feet
He is the main focus
Flat sculpture, 2D rather than 3D
Looks more cartoonish rather than realistic
Royalty - the size of the character shows us the importance of his role, he is suggested a god (holy), halo
The people at the top are like reminders of past empowers, images of his ancestors, know that they are dead because of the cherubs
The cloth resembles the power to determine a persons death
The artists aren't interested in realism - artists are now more focused on symbolism, symbolising people and their roles through the size and emphasis on certain areas of work etc.
Tympanum of the South portal of Saint-Pierre, moissac 1115-1135 AD
One central figure with a halo/crown
Everyone turned toward central figure
Many small figures
Little people sitting at weird angles with different head movements to turn toward the central figure
Pets of some kind
Might be Matthew, mark, Luke and John
Missing brick
Detailed patterns
Centre figures wearing ceremonial robes
Angels at the top
Centre figure holding a book in his hand
Repetition of patterns
People holding things
They are eating
People have legs crossed at really weird angles
On the centre figures right there is an angel leaning in
Central figure sitting on a throne and the little guys are on chairs/ miniature thrones
Sizing is symbolic as there is one main figure who is very Large
The eagle could by symbolic of courage, nobility and protection
Based off Revelation chapter 4, an illustration of the passage
Symbolising the way to God is through church as they would have to pass through the gate to get into church
Church is the most powerful thing in these times
Kings would have wars against the church not other kings
Shows the people what sort of power and position the church has
The adoration of the magi, Taull Spain 12th century AD
Two central figures, a woman and a child
Three other figures offering gifts to the woman and child
Very bright rich colours
The woman and child both have halos
Stars in the sky
Writing under their feet
The woman is sitting on a throne
The child is sitting on the woman's lap
On a spherical ceiling
Predominantly blues, reds, yellows and greens
Mary, Jesus and the three wise men
Painted rather than carved
Little Jesus has a message in one hand
Writing is the traditional names of the three wise men
Jesus making the symbol for holiness and blessing giving
Wise men hiding arms under elaborate cloaks
Wise men have crowns
Clothing isn't biblical it's medieval
Jesus halo has a cross
Story is the wise men giving Jesus gifts
There are only 3 wise men but they are never numbered
There is only 1 star in the bible but 2 in the painting
There are the names of the wise men but they aren't named in the bible
Traditionally one is Arabic, one is Indian, and one is Persian
All look like they are carrying the same gift
Mary and Jesus are on thrones but in the bible they would have probably been in a house
When the wise men visited Herod he asked all children who were under two to be killed so we can assume Jesus was under two
Jesus is a small old man in the picture and not a baby or a toddler like he should have been
All wearing very royal clothing and the three wise men wearing crowns, not in the bible that they are kings, they became kings because of the Medici family in Italy
This one is in a church probably above the altar
Royalty being there and bringing there gift to God
Tells you that you are small and lowly
In this picture Jesus is presented with power and money which he didn't have according to the bible
Getting an interpretation of the story which says those in power are closer to God
Mary is dressed like a nun, wealthy and in a position over the congregation
Don't just assume that what the artwork is, is what the artwork is about
Basically don't make assumptions about the meaning of artworks
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