35m high, 3.7m in diameter
Apollodorus of Damascus (architect) (most likely); completed AD113

The Colosseum
48m high, 189m length x 156width

Herakles And Telephus
189 x 218cm, Fresco
date unknown (c100-300AD?)

The Baths Of Cracalla

Head of Pompey The Great
marble, life size

Head of a Roman Patrician from Otricoli
marble, life size
Roman art work came from Ancient Greece
The Romans looked up to the Greeks work
The sculptures don't look perfect, the first sculpture is an older
Aren't idealised
Ancient Romans are after realism
Gods and humans are similar
Progression from the Greeks sculptures
Floor plan - made an image of what it might of looked like
The baths of Cracalla - the design was made for the rich as a place to bath (hence the name). Patterns on the ceiling, very high, Simtrical, withstand a long time - still a lot of the place staying up in the ruins, community for the gods, Cali - where we get heat from, hot water place, cold water place, arena, relax/study, great hall
Place for the rich - important people
Place to win friends
Temple - Romans devoting to make the place
Promotes the idea of wealthy, powerful men
Women still seen as property - poor people too
Not necessary to have this place
The ancient Romans were the first ones to paint pictures just for the sake of painting pictures
Photo has to do with telling their mythology
Picture of everyday people - just for decoration
Technique used - fresco
painted on the wet plaster so it didn't scratch off
Fresco is significant because it dries and doesn't scratch off
It was a type of technique used for a while
Herakles and telephus - different skin colours, not just people but animals too, naked people, woman is in charged instead of a man, angle, lion is shocked, guy up the back playing a pan flute, basket of fruits, reef crowns - made out of flowers and leaves, holding instruments, man is looking in direction of child and deer, woman holding a staff, floating in the sky, college, repainted and stuck to the picture
Herakles = heracles
Relation between Herakles and telephus
Telephus is raised by animals
Not quite clear who the goddess is
Ancient Greek gods, ancient rome painters
Figures are probably life size
The pictures are realistic
Amazing with their human skill
Building is extremely large - tall not just large area
The painting - is there just to make decorations, doesn't have religious functions
Artist is showing off their skill
Pushing the idea of art for arts sake
All very realistic
Ancient Greek culture developed about 1000 BC, grew in power until 300BC
- Amy Potts
Head of a Roman Patrician
- very realistic
- no pupils
- old
- imperfect (not idealised)
- wrinkles
Head of Pompey the Great
- a bit chubby
- big nose
- realism
- rulers didn't have to be superhuman
- idea of humans lifting themselves up to the place of gods
- people are most important
Baths of Cracalla
- pillars
- patterned roof
- intricate designs on archways and pillars
- balconies
- three barred windows
- numerous archways
- spacious
- symmetrical
- tall
- long lasting
- shops
- cisterns
- a bit like assassin's creed revelations marketplaces
- male dominance
Herakles and Telephus
- painting as decoration
- fresco (paint on wet plaster)
- surprised/scared lion
- woman in throne
- angel with feathered wings in background
- hawk/eagle at bottom on nest
- fruit basket next to throne
- staff in hands
- pan behind throne with pan flute
- child and deer being friendly
- quiver in guy at the front's hand
- each wearing a crown of some kind
- naked bum
- animals
- collage
- man looking at child and deer
- in clouds
- realistic
- amazing you with human skill
Realistic, detailed, ancient roman ideas came from ancient Greeks, their religions are almost identical, same gods different names, look like humans first head old, wrinkles are visible, second Pompey chubby, imperfect not idealised, Greeks idealism, Romans realism. Eyes may have been painted on. Gods identical to humans in Ancient Rome, rulers were seen as gods, still followed gods but were more culture.
First picture artists idea of the interior, second a floor plan based on excavation, third is excavation. There are many rooms and arches, columns, detailed, intricate patterns on the ceiling. High ceilings, symmetrical, strong structure durable, floor plan suggest a community centre/community baths, area outside to watch sports, a great hall, shops, wells, large building. Well dressed, rich, male, important, in power. The rich, male, important and powerful on the same level as gods. Grand central based off this.
Painting, Romans first ones to paint pictures for the sake of pictures, some mythology, wet plaster on wall paint in wet plaster, once dried they become one and aren't able to be scratched off, known as fresco. Significant as it is durable. A naked man standing in front of a goddess looking woman with angels attending to her, there is an eagle in the foreground in front of the women. There's a lion in the left hand corner looking sidewards at the man. In the left had corner there is a baby and a deer. Instead of man there is a woman on throne. Browns and blues predominately used. There's a little boy playing the pan flute. Wreaths. Man looking at child and deer, looks like they're in the clouds. Heracles and Telephus, roman version of Hercules and his son, Ageus the mother kicked out. Son depicted suckling the deer as he was raised by deer. Pan God of mischief, roman version of Cupid also depicted. Collage, copied from Ancient Greek. Reason for the mismatched picture. 2x2, life size figures.
Romans realistic, story tellers, love to amaze with human skill, decoration not much function, art works are just art works. Human life the top, gods human stories. Ancient Greek culture 1000 BC, 300's BC ancient Romans start coming in.
By Phoebe Bennett
Roman Patrician and Pompey
75-50 B.C
Very realistic
No Iris's
Based their art and religion etc on Ancient Greek society
Old, imperfect not super human depicted as a human
Pompey not perfect, chubby big nosed etc
Ancient Greeks wanted idealism and Ancient Romans wanted realism
Shows a continuation of the Ancient Greeks making Gods more human
Ancient Romans considered Pompey a God for being Pompey
Didn't really believe in their gods it was just their culture
The Baths of Cracalla
206-217 A.D
The building was very large and spacious
Very well made to with stand the forces of nature
Multiple levels and areas
Very decorative and grand eg. Patterning on the ceiling
Communal bath house and community area
People with rank, rich, well dressed all men
Made to look amazing for meetings etc
Promotes the idea of the wealthy and powerful men
Dominated by men, women seen as property, poor are seen as property, very patriarchal society
Not necessary but shows the importance of the wealthy and powerful in society
Herakles and Telephus
100-300 A.D
Ancient Romans were the first to paint pictures for the sake of painting pictures
When painting walls they paint the plaster while its wet so the paint becomes part of the plaster when it hardens meaning the paint can't peel off the walls
Fresco painting painting and plastering occur at the same time
Fresco painting stayed for thousand of years
Two main people are a man and a woman
Angel and cherub are serving the woman
Lion and an eagle at her feet
Bowl of food at her elbow
A child and a deer being messed up in the corner
Man looking in the direction of the child and deer
Man is naked
Woman in the throne
Lion has human like eyes
Lion has a shocked expression
People don't look like they're from different paintings
Fawn playing the pan flute behind her
All wearing crown wreaths
One is holding an instrument
Browns blues and blacks and whites make up the colour scheme
Appear to be in the clouds
Woman holding a staff
Man holding a quiver and bow
Pan the God of mischief is behind the woman, the equivalent of Cupid is on the right the man is Hercules and the baby is Hercules son who was raised by wild deer and is suckling. The woman is most likely Ageas who bore Hercules son, Telephus.
Figures probably life sized
Sum up
About amazing you with their human skill, showing off their art and technological skill as well as architectural skills. Bath house would have been extremely technologically advanced and skilful. The artist is their just to make decoration in the painting not really to do with their religion. Doing it just to make their artworks impressive. Most concerned with realism not idealism and talking the idea from the Ancient Greeks of art just for arts sake.
The statue are of the head only and they are very realistic, old, wrinkly and imperfect.
The ancients had gods but what was more important was the people.
They got their ideas from the Greeks.
The baths of Cracalla
In the first picture is the interior of the building, high ceilings, tall pillars, arches.
In the floor plan, shows that it's a communal place with shops, jot and cold baths, there is a great hall, court and dressing rooms, a library, a gym etc.
The final picture shows the ruins of the building, that it is long lasting and well made.
Only accessible to the rich men in power.
Only the temples were this good looking which is showing the Romans priorities.
The ancient Romans were the first people to paint pictures for the sake of painting a picture.
There is a woman in a robe sitting in the centre of the painting with a wreath. There is a man in front of her with very little clothes. There is another woman who is an angel and a child behind the woman in the centre playing a pipe blowy thing. There is a lion, a bird, a deer and a child.
There are animals. The man is brown and the woman is white.
Floating in clouds.
In conclusion, they are incredibly realistic, (statue heads) and there was a huge amount of skills (building), someone else's religion (painting).
- Emma Wooden
Pompey and patrician
Both two heads do not have pupils on their eyes probably just because it's hard to sculpt on a pupil for an eye. The ancient Romans were after realism rather than the Greeks were after idealism. Pompey was not perfectly beautiful, he was a bit chubby. The Romans and Greeks had the same religious beliefs, yet the Romans were more interested in their people rather than gods. The ancient Romans are getting their ideas from the Greeks.
The Baths of Cracalla
This building has very high ceilings with beautifully crafted and painted artworks on the ceilings. It is made up of various arches and strong pillars that give it a royal and majestic look. It is a symmetrical building from this view. There are many many rooms in this building, things like study rooms, libraries, steam baths, etc. The fridgedarium contains a swimming pool, and the validation contains the hot water, there is also a gym (gymnasium). There were spaces for sport to be watched outside like races or wrestling. There are mostly males in this building, dressed really well. It seems like only the rich and the powerful would live here, showing that Rome was still a place that men were more powerful than women and the Romans held a more high regard of the rich over the poor.
Herakles and Telephus
The ancient Romans were the first people to paint pictures just for the sake of painting a picture. They would often paint everyday things like children playing or something. Just for decoration. The technique they used was called Fresco, they would plaster the wall and while the wall was still wet they paint it. The paint becomes inpregnated into the wall and survives a lot longer. This stayed in fashion thousands of years after that. Michaelangelo and da vinci both used this style of paining.
Herakles and Telephus
There is a naked man with a band around his head holding something, perhaps a musical instrument. There is a goddess-looking women staring into the sky with a little boy behind her playing a song on the flute for her. There is a lady with wings in the top right corner and in the bottom left corner there is a dee becoming really friendly with a little toddler. In this photo there are also a big black bird and a lion-like animal on the bottom right. These are pictures that were made into one picture, like a collages.
Sum up
All these pictures are realistic, the sculptures are incredibly realistic. The building was very large and high which is very impressive considering the little amount of technology the ancient Romans had. The painting is a demonstration of the Romans skill, they did it for no religious reason and this portays how their impressive skill can be used for small scale artworks for fun. Again, Romans are most interested in realism, they believe the world should have real stories (of their Gods) and real artworks and things like that.
Roman Art
The ancient greeks are after idealism in their art and the ancient romans were after realism.
The artworks are made just to be an artwork, to show skill, for arts sake.
They are interested in realism
Pompey & Patrician
Roman Sculptures - Marble
Two big marble statues of Pompey and Patricians heads.
No pupils, yet very realistic.
They were not beautiful, however unlike the greeks, the romans made the sculpture realistically.
The baths of Caracalla - Description:
This building is grand, on a large scale and very detailed.
The ceiling is patterned, It is very tall, it is well made to with stand the forces of nature. The baths of Caracalla is a place for wealthy roman people to bathe, swim, use a sauna, go to the gym, study, shop, go to court and watch live sport.
A place for the rich and powerful to meet.
Herakles and Telephus - Description:
Painting - fresco: wet plaster on wall, painting over the top of the wet plaster - this method of painting survives easier.
A woman in a robe is in the centre, she looks wealthy.
There is a baby sucking milk out of a deer, a lion poking out looking shocked, an eagle, a little kid popping up behind the woman's chair.
There is a naked man, an angel, a fruit basket, a lot of crowns on everyones head, instruments, theyre in the clouds, the man is carrying a bow & arrow.
All neutral colours.
- Amy :)
Ancient Rome
First head is more realistic than second.
First man is old.
The baths of Caracalla
The ceiling is very high and has lots of patterns on it
Well structured
Looks like a temple
Full of facilities
- Put wet plaster on the wall and then paint it so the plaster and the paint in-pregnant each other.
Herakles and telephus
Bare bum
Women in throne
Lion with a shocked expression
Different shades
Lion looking thing
Looks like a collage
Animals as well as people
Pan flute being played
Basket of fruit
Good calf muscles
- All very realistic
Bronze warrior and Apollo.
- made out of bronze.
- they used clay the mood the bronze. Meaning many copy's of the artwork and be made.
- Apollo - God of music, healing, prophecy and oracles, song and poetry, plagues and diseases, archery and protection of the young.
- the artworks are over exaggerated (not cause they artist was bad they were exaggerated to be who they were.) so a warrior would have bigger legs and torso cause they need to be stronger there.
Standing youth (kouros) and kroisos kouros.
- more realistic but still exaggerated around the shoulders and torso.
- kroisos kouros- bigger (taller), people can see from further away, more defined, taller than average human (starting to look more like a god in size).
- they started to see the gods more as humans.
- looks younger. ( hair not as long as others but still has same kind of style)
-they understood biology more.
- the Greeks were the first to start making art just for making art.
- they changed from being like look at how good our gods are to look how good our artist are.
The man is leaning forward whilst leaning on a tree stump with a discus in his hand ready to be thrown.
Three main objects.
-the man
- the tree stump (to help hold it up)
This artwork shows that the humans are more important.
He is what the Greeks should look like (strong, artistic, muscular, sporty).
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