Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni, Italy, 1501-04
Marble, 517cm

The Creation of Adam from The Sistine Chapel
Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni, Italy, 1512
Fresco, 480x230cm

Mona Lisa (La Gioconda or La Joconde, or Portrait of Lisa Gherardini, wife of Francesco del Giocondo)
Leonardo Da Vinci, Italy, c.1503–1519 (probably finished by 1506)
Oil on poplar, 77x53cm

The Last Supper
Leonardo Da Vinci, Italy, 1495-1498
Tempera, mastic, pitch on plaster - fresco, 4.6x8.8m
Renaissance -> rebirth
400AD. 1400AD
Medieval Renaissance -> modernism
Mona Lisa
It is a lady, she is sitting, she is really realistic, but the background isn't. She doesn't have eyebrows apparently, wealthy.
Oil paints, layers. Apparently he built the painting like a body; skeleton, muscles, skin etc
He studied anatomy.
The ceiling painting - creation of Adam.
God and Adam are pointing at each other, God his reaching, and Adam is not really bothered. God is in pink, and is surrounded angelic figures around him. Muscly. Adam position is odd. God is in a brain.
- Humanism - human intelligence and endeavour are the pinnacle of existence.
Its a naked man, very well defined. Muscly.
David and Goliath
Rebirth of classical ideas.
They're looking at things scientifically again
Tree stump
He's using the pose.
Everything that's wrong: hands are too big, too old and muscly. He has to little hair. And his penis is not circumcised. Wrong nationality, wrong religion, wrong lots of things.
The only thing that isn't wrong compared to the bible is the slingshot and he's male.
It's over 5m tall.
It shows off humanity and its power.
Mona Lisa
This woman is kind of smiling at me but it's not really definite, it seems like she is sitting on something with her hands on her lap. The photo is really realistic and has a background that doesn't look natural as if it were a green screen these days, perhaps a painting as a backdrop. It looks really detailed and very nice. Some say that Da Vinci used his own face as a base for this painting and others say he painted the skeleton first and than the muscles and then the skin for it to be more realistic.
Renaissance -> Rebirth (of classical ideas)
Medieval (400AD) Renaissance - modernism (1400AD)
Mona Lisa - Leonardo da Vinci:
- very realistic
- medieval clothes
- background is the full of mountains
- wearing a head piece
- facial features are very realistic, where as the background isn't
- eyebrows and eyelashes seem to be missing
- she wasn't a poor person, wearing "classy" clothes
- Mona Lisa: did a very specific process to get her looking very realistic
Painted a skeleton, then the muscle and then the skin & clothes to make it more realistic
The creation of Adam:
- spent quite a few years painting this
- make of fresco
- man and God reaching out
- God has Angles around him/ has a holy robe
- Adam is extremely muscular
- Adam was naked while God has a robe
- Adams position is odd
- God is in what looks to be a brain
- God is reaching out for Adam whereas adman doesn't seem to care that much
Hebrew word for man is Adam - symbolising us
- symbolising human knowledge of God is more in your mind then it is real: you don't quite need God
Renascence is the beginning of modernism:
Humanism - human intelligence and endeavour are the pinnacle of existence
- going back into the Ancient Greek type style of sculptures- almost identical
- david is presented as muscular
- tree stump at his feet
- using the Ancient Greek posture
- hands aren't in proportion; bigger then usual
- David seems to be bigger then the biblical description
- seems too old
- too many muscular
- David has short hair - hair would of been longer
- this David isn't circumcised; he would have been
- the only thing that is common to the biblical story is that the future is male and holding a slingshot
- sculpture is 5m tall - 3 times larger than life size
- hands, muscles have been exaggerated
- art work that shows off humanity
- humans: pinnacle of existence
- shows the power of humanity. Grow through time (modernism)
The Renaissance
Mostly Italian even though it is a French word
Used scientific procedures to create art
Beginning of modernism
Humanism- human intelligence and endeavour are the pinnacle of existence
Rebirth of classical ideas
Italy 1501-04
Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni
Detailed sculpting of the human body
It is based upon David from David and Goliath
Defined muscles and veins
Style of the artwork alike with Ancient Greece sculptures
He is using the pose used in many Ancient Greece sculptures
Hands are far too big
The rib cage is far apart to the edge of his back
Wrong age, nationality and religion
Exaggerated on human strength
Doesn't follow biblical image
David is not circumcised within the artwork
Symbolises strength and power
Power of humanity
The Creation of Adam from the Sistine Chapel
Italy 1512
Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni
Was to make a ceiling that was overwhelming
He played with perspective
Painted on plaster
Looks realistic however it has been exaggerated on human body
There is godlike figure
One is naked whereas the godlike figure is clothed
His position is odd
It is in the shape of a brain
godlike figure is reaching whereas Adam doesn't seem bothered
Commissioned by the church to reflect upon the fundamental beliefs
Symbolises Adam as the face of humanity and godlike figure as the human brain, pinnacle of human existence
Mona Lisa
Italy 1503-1519 (finished probably 1506)
Oil on poplar
Leonardo da Vinci
Many debates on who this portrait is of
Theories that this person within the image is real and also that it is completely fictional
There is no eyebrows which suggests to the audience that this artwork was never completed
The background is of a landscape of valleys and lakes (completely fictional)
Looks like a fantasy
Looks realistic yet somehow seems odd and fictional
Well dressed for her time, which suggests she was rich
Paint very thin layers with the paint
Hints that the skeleton was painted, then the muscle and then the skin, it is believed he did this to create a more realistic image
Renaissance - The Rebirth
400AD - Medieval 1400AD - Renaissance to modernism
Mona Lisa - Leonardo Da Vinci
Most artists working on commission, Leonardo kept it with him the whole of his life. Theory that it was made up and was based off his face a lot of credibility. Mr Elmer's theory all artists depict a part of themselves in portraits. Half smile, veil, side profile, curly loose hair, background doesn't match portrait, fantasy background not entirely real, hard to see eyebrows, hands look different to rest of body, not poor person, painted in oil paints, paint thin layers, hints in Da Vinci's writing he painted first skeleton then muscle then skin so it looked more realistic, artists would investigate dead bodies and amply that to art, around about 16 years to make painting.
The Sistine Chapel - Michelangelo
Stories of Genisis, the creation of Adam, painting on wet plaster, man with long beard, and robe like clothing arm stretched to a naked man, bearded man with lots of naked people behind, Adam figure alone, well defined, relaxed and odd position, God figure in brain, Adam looks bored, hands almost touching but not quite, Adam isn't that interested, God is represented as human knowledge and as the pinical of existence. Renaissance beginning of Modernism, Humanism - human intelligence and endeavour are the pinnacle of existence.
Sculpture of David
Curly short hair, sling shot on shoulder, defined muscles and limbs, relaxed stance, Renaissance of classical ideas, same style as Greek and roman art. Tree stump to stop from falling over, half relaxed and half not, disportioned, too old, too muscly, looks too confident, hair is too short, not circumcised, all that is common is that they have slingshot and is male, in Hebrew culture he would not have been naked, 3x life sized, human strength exaggerated, was going to stand on top of church building, shows off humanity, shows off the power of humanity.
By Phoebe Bennett
The Mona Lisa, Italy 1503-1519
Yellow hues mostly
One central figure
Small smirk like smile
Background is of a mountain and valleys
She has soft curly hair
Clothing is appropriate to the time
Sitting in the portrait
Leaning on an arm rest
Realistic face
Background and foreground don't match
Background is fantastical - (Narnia like)
She doesn't have eyebrows or they are very pale and soft
Well dressed for her time, not poor
Thin veil/scarf on her head
Some special things about the Mona Lisa:
Painted in oil - very specific process, painted a skeleton, then muscle, then skin, then clothes to create a more realistic look
Artists were also scientists and studied anatomy
Artists had to mix all their own paints
The creation of Adam from the Sistine chapel, Italy 1512
God is being supported by many people - men, women and children
Adam is laying in what appears to be a very uncomfortable position
Adam and God are reaching out toward each other
Adam is extremely muscular
God like figure - has a beard
Adam is naked and God is covered
God character in a brain
God is reaching and Adam is kind of meh
Adam looks annoyed and sick and tired of God, while God looks determined and almost needy
Michelangelo is almost making a comment on how the people are starting to feel
And he is making God a human brain, almost the pinnacle of the universe
The Renaissance is the beginning of modernism
Key aspect of modernism is humanism - human intelligence and endeavour are the pinnacle of existence
David, Italy 1501-1504
Holding a sling
Small tree stump to help with balance
Very muscular
Extremely realistic hair
Arms and neck seem out of place
Hands seem too big
A naked man
Can see the veins and tendons
Very ancient Grecian/Roman
Hair looks like Mac and cheese
Using the pose from the ancient Greeks
Hands are too big
Arms are too long
Neck too wide
Too old
Too muscly
Looks confident
Hair would have been long not short and curly
Has an Italian hairdo
Penis isn't circumcised
Wrong nationality
Only things in common with biblical David is he has a slingshot and is male
Statue is 3m tall
3x life size
Hands, muscles have been exaggerated - things to do with human strength
Meant to intimidate people as it would be used as a beacon for a city
Michelangelo is commenting on how humans are the pinnacle of the universe
David can defeat Goliath by his own strength, doesn't need God
Beginning of our understanding of modernism
This is where we start to put ourselves in Gods place
Rennaisance Rebirth
Face is realistic but background looks very unrealistic
Well dressed for her time
Creation of Adam
Adam is very muscly
God with beard
People behind God
Adam in odd position
God reaching out but Adam looks like he doesn't care
Humanism -human intelligence and endeavour are the pinnacle of existence
A naked man
Rebirth of classical ideas (similar to Ancient Greece and Rome)
Tree stump to hold up sculpture
Hair on head is very thick
David and Goliath made him sound wimpy, he looks old and muscly
Hands are too big for body
Jewish law was to not cut hair on temples, David has wrong hair cut
Not circumcised
Renaissance -> Rebirth (of classical ideas)
400AD - medieval
1400AD - Renaissance -> modernisation
Mona Lisa
Real person or fake???
Backgrounds pretty- with paths etc
Lady not smiling
Lady looks realistic in contrast to the fantasy background.
No eyebrows
Well dressed, not poor - more evidence of this is that her picture was painted
Painted- oil paint
Hint that da Vinci took extra measures to make mona Lisa look more realistic- skeleton then muscle then skin etc.
Da Vinci also famous as a scientist- used his knowledge of human anatomy to build artworks
used by fresco
Popes chapel
God and Adam reaching out- fingers nearly touching
Adam naked but God clothed
Adam in contorted
God in a brain with green cortex
God is reaching but Adam is looking bored- halfhearted
Brain as pinnacle of belief- that we don't really need God.
Humanism- human intelligence and endeavour are the pinnacle of existence.
holding sling
Same style as Greek
Meant to intimidate- 5m tall
-too old
-too muscly
-he's naked
-itallian hairstyle
-not circumcised
-big hands
Renaissance: the beginning of modernism - rebirth
Mona Lisa - Leonardo Da Vinci:
Portrait of a woman
Staring at you all the time
Sitting down with body faced towards the artist
Realistic face
Unrealistic background - fictional
No Eyebrows or lashes
Well dressed
Thin veil
Oil paints
Painted in very very thin layers
Hints in his writing show that he first painted a skeleton, then muscle structure, then skin and clothes
The Creation of Adam from the Sistine Chapel - Michelangelo di Lodovico:
Fresco - painted on plaster
Man lying on ground
God figure has lots of people around him
Adams muscly
Adams naked - God is wearing robes
Adams in a weird position
God is in a Brain
Could be reference to the brain being thee pinnacle of human existence
Humanism - human intelligence & endeavour are the pinnacle of human existence
David - Michelangelo di Lodovico:
Leaning on a stump
Holding slingshot
Muscular body
Looks like an Ancient Greek sculpture
The church isn't being looked at as the most important thing
Hair looks thick
Hands out of proportion
He looks to old and developed physically
Too muscly
It's hot in the Middle East and he has pointy nipples
It was forbidden to cut the hair on the temples in the time of David - he has an Italian hair style
He's not circumcised
No eyebrows
Looking directly at viewer
Sitting to the side
Curly hair
Realistic person, non realistic background
Noble clothing
Thin veil
Painted skeleton and muscles before skin?
People behind God
Reaching for Adam
Adam reaching for God
God looks longing for Adam, Adam looks almost not bothered
Woman near God. Eve?
All unclothed except God
Green material
Holding sling
Curly hair
Tree stump for centre of gravity
Big hands
Flat feet
Fat ankles
Too old
Too muscley
Not wimpy enough
Italian hairdo
Not circumcised
Only thing in common with David from the bible is slingshot
Humans = pinnacle of existence
-Carissa Saul
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