Alice Neel, Andy Warhol, 1970
oil on canvas
Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, U.S.A.

Alice Neal, Self-Portrait, 1980
oil on canvas
Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery, Washington, U.S.A.

Keith Haring, Religion

Keith Haring

Keith Haring

Jean-Michel Basquiat
King Alphonso

Jean-Michel Basquiat
Leonardo Da Vinci's Greatest Hits

Jean-Michel Basquiat
Jean-Michel Basiquett 'Notorary'
Non realistic, writing, shapes, looks like vandalism, Pluto dehydration, not consistent, lines, layering of paint, salt, fleas, skeleton?, train map ?, copywriter sign, American note sign on bottom,
Male torso, ladders, words, circles lines,
French African descent, the 70's New York graffiti 2 tags : samo, crown, copyright symbol 1st artist in western art not white, can see inside and outside of all the shapes, liked to draw, greys anatomy classic medical textbook before 10 years old, takes images from divinchi, big struggle in him - people in media latched on, understood, am I the one being manipulated or am I using it, African people depicted in racist stereotype, is it racist or to taken advantage of, ideas of fleas ticks and parasites = whites people making money off him, used medium to critique medium. Symbols of homeless people studied it. The artworks about his experience of being an outsider in the culture they live in. Heroin addict died at 27.
Keith Haring.
1983 photograph after being famous, spaces were adds go black card, would do art on blank cards, how he got famous.
Ignorance = fear, Silence = death. Three wise monkey positions, people will ignore rather than speak out, 1980's AIDS epidemic, Keith Haring died of AIDS in 1993(?). One of the first openly gay artists. Minorities get a voice in post modernism. Advertisement, pink triangles had to be worn by homosexuals in Nazi time, symbol taken and used for pride, admit you have it rather than hide it. Ignorance created an unsafe space for gay people.
Keith Haring Religion
T.v with mouth coming out, snout ring on chain, bible open with snakes and flame coming out, 5 eyes in vertical lines, butt has a mouth, brain in ground with cross planted in it, tongues in mouth attacking man shaped figure, money being thrown into it, tongue bits going through brain, heart, butt, legs. Bible = Christianity , Money = consumerism/wealth/greed, mouth through t.v = t.v evangelist/media, brain in ground = intellect dies when follow religion, snakes coming out of the bible = allusion to medusa, anal tongues = exploitation/control, mouth butt = talking out the butt/two-faced, 5 eyes = monsters in revelation, fire = if don't go with it goes to hell, chained to an unknown being. Died 1990, towards end of 80s t.v evangelists found out as frauds, getting rid out sexuality, pig symbol of animal we don't like and has been entrapped.
Alice Neil, Andy Warhol, 1970
Pale, scars, superior expression, sitting on couch, no shirt, prominate collar bones, most detail in face, pants and shoes brown, folded hands, band around waist, left extremely scarred from point blank range shot by founder of S.C.U.M, no one really knew Warhol - this painting more like the real Warhol, interesting bc never showed this side, female artist painting him in a real way, style about showing things truthfully
Alice Neil, Self-Portrait, 1980
Nude, old woman, slight cartoonish, paint brush, striped armchair, rag, utensils she used, face most defined, slightly discoloured, slightly out of proportion, looks kind of bored, faded out edges, not sexualised or young, very truthful representation, feminist in depictions, painted in realistic way,
By Phoebe Bennett
There are snakes coming out of the bible
Monster made of face bits
Tv on the monster
Chains on the Bulls nose
Dude attached to the butt mouth with vines
A brain on the floor
Cross coming out of the brain
Silhouette of a man on the phone to the left of the artwork
Money being thrown around
Dude attached to the monster has scissors near his genital area
5 eyes in the centre
Ear on the side
Lots of symbols:
bible - Christianity
snake heads - medusa Ancient Greek
money - consumerist society
cross dead brain - intellect dead due to religion
Tv frame - media & ...............
Anal tentacles - control, restriction, exploitation
Butt mouth - rubbishy talk
2 mouths - church is two faced
Fire bible - religion leads to hell
Pig nose - chained to unknown being
Closed eyes
Disdainful look
Scar across the abdomen
Man boobs
Neutral palette
Brown pants
Leg is unfinished
Wearing brogues
Hands interlocked
Wearing a band around his waist
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