Andy Warhol, 'Marilyn Diptych, 1962
acrylic on canvas support
each 205 x 142 x 2 cm
Tate Gallery, London, UK

Andy Warhol, 'Campbell's Soup Cans, 1962
Synthetic polymer paint, 51 cm x 41 cm (each)
Museum of Modern Art

Richard Hamilton, 'What is it That Makes Todays Homes So Different, So Appealing?', 1956
Collage on Paper, 26 x 25 cm
Tate Gallery, London, UK

Robert Rauschenberg, 'Bed', 1955
Oil on pillow, quilt and sheet on wood supports,
191.1 x 80 x 20.3 cm
The Museum of Modern Art, New York, USA
Robert Rauschenberg
Pop art - popular; about popular culture
Not high art materials
Just stuff that's found around us
Doesn't seem like art
Reminiscent of abstract expressionism but very pop arty
Can't be used as a bed anymore - ready made dada style
Richard Hamilton
What is it That Makes Todays Homes So Different, So Appealing?
Man in foreground holding a lollipop
Lady in the background with a lamp shade on her head
Collage of magazine cuttings
Poster on the back wall "young romance"
Tape player on the floor
Vacuum being pulled up stairs by a lady
Earth in ceiling
Canned ham on the table
Newspaper on chair in foreground
Old fashioned painting on the wall
TV in background
"Ordinary cleaners reach this far"
Theatre out the window showing "The Jazz Singer"
Lady on the telly
Tea cup on the table
Fruit on top of the tv
Plant next to the tv
Carpet marbley Jackson Pollock painting looking
Some in black and white and some in colour
Everything new and modern in context
Guy is Tarzan in old movies and a body builder
Ford company - first company to have 24hr factory running and shift workers
Film starred Al Jolson and first to have recorded sound as opposed to someone sitting in the theatre playing the film music as it played
One of the first earth photos from outside the earth in the ceiling from a satellite
Ready made art - dada style again
Pop Art is:
Big Business
Andy Warhol
Campbell's Soup Cans
Repetition of soup cans
All different flavours
Neutral comment on consumerism
Andy Warhol loved Campbell's soup and had it almost every day
All hand painted
Reminder of them stacked on a shelf
Just painting the world around him
Small differences in he labels
Andy Warhol
Marilyn Diptych
Each set of faces is about 1m x 1.5m
Screen printed artwork
All Marilyn's the same but different
Caused by imperfections from screen printing by hand
He's saying she's marketable like soup cans
Most famous picture of Marilyn Monroe and it's now the most famous picture of her because Warhol used it
Turning a person into a commodity - a product
Pop art
Context: due to Americas help with the war and as nothing happened on their soil their economy took off as well as their culture creating an americanisation influence.
Meaning of pop art, pop comes from popular, not necessarily popular but is about popular culture.
1955- 'Bed' by Robert Rauchenberg. Oil on bedding, pop art, abstract expressionism looking, the materials used, halfway point. Canny be a bed anymore, ready made materials, heavily influenced by the dada artists, 1950s starting to rediscover the dada ideas.
1956- 'What is it that makes today's home so different and so appealing' by Richard Hamilton. Two naked people in black and white, man holding a red balloon that says pop on it, female looks to be holding one of her breasts and is positioned in a somewhat provocative way, male is disproportionate, an old looking portrait in corner, movie poster female in background vacuuming, tvs in background, a tape player on floor, female on the t.v, ham on table, disproportionate, theatre in background playing the Jazz singer, a moon or something on roof, tea cup on table, plant and bowl of fruit, carpet like Jackson pollock painting, not cohesive. Very new and modern for 1956, new technologies, tommy someone Tarzan, ford logo first company that had factories 24 hours a day with shift workers, first movie with recorded sound, planet significant first photo people saw what the earth looked like from outside the earth. Collage, ready made,
Pop art is: popular, transient, expendable, low cost, mass produced, young, witty, sexy, gimmicky, glamourous, BIG BUSINESS. Innuendo double ontondra, putting lampshade on head objectifies her as just a piece of furniture,
Andy Warhol 'Campbell's soup cans' - 1962. Tomato, Vegetable, green pea, clam chowder, beef, cream of asparagus, cream of celery, Beef broth, chicken gumbo, pepper pot, chicken with rice, consumme (beef), vegetable beef, ect. Repetition of soup cans but all different flavours. Popular culture, neutral?, and Andy Warhol loved Campbell's soup and would eat it everyday with his mum, hand painted, painted the world he could see, all same but different,
Andy Warhol 'Mariyln Diptitch' - 1962. Screen printing, one level all the same but on other level completely different, always get imperfections, marketable as a soup can, just after her death, most famous picture because of Andy Warhol. She becomes a product, neutral, this is what our culture is, not good or bad just what it is. Uses same systems of production that pop culture uses. After 62/63 Andy Warhol stopped making the images.
Using the medium to critique the medium.
By Phoebe Bennett
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