Mark Rothko : No. 61 (Rust and Blue), 1951
Oil on Canvas, 1953, 115 cm × 92 cm
Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, U.S.A.

Jackson Pollock : Blue Poles, 1952
Enamel and aluminium paint with glass on canvas, 212.1 cm × 488.9 cm
Australian National Gallery, Canberra

Hans Namuth (photographer) : Pollock Painting, 1950

Robert Motherwell : Beside the Sea No. 5, 1962
Oil on paper, 73.7 × 58.4 cm
Dedalus Foundation, New York, U.S.A.

Franz Kline : New York, N.Y. , 1953
Oil on canvas, 200.7 × 128.3 cm
Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, U.S.A.
England allied w/ French
Germany trying to adv. allied with Italy, Japan
Russia attacks too.
Japan had a similar idea to hitter- take as much of Asia as they could
- South east Asia
- Korea
Australia gets involved
Japan bombs pearl harbour- didn't get control of Hawaii
America becomes involved
Many Americans liked the ideals of hitler- superior race etc.. They were neutral before.
Americans bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki after hitler defeated.
Europe been through two major wars in short period. Economically unstable. Immigration. America took over as the centre of western culture- art, ideas etc, began coming from America
Before 1940s, no impacting American art.
Art movement: Abstract expressionism
1st artwork:
Straight lines, shadows, no colour, idea of Ny without representing it, depicting it, not specific image. Quick, rough, composed well, painted expressively. Not linked to nature.
2nd artwork:
Can work out all the steps the artist took just by looking at it. Art about art- like cubism. The movement an artist has to make to make art. What an artist does. Action painting.
3rd artwork:
House paint. Expensive, for better consistency. The brush never touches the canvas. Removes everything except pure colour, pure paint on canvas. In control. Many paintings, lots of practise. Knew what he was doing. What is a painting? Paint on a canvas. One of the end points of modernism. Blue poles, can see the actions of the painter. Building up of what is happening, record of the actions of the artist.
4th artwork:
Large painting with blocks of colour. Hundreds of layers of paint, thinned out. Translucent. Record of the action of the painter. Gaps with blue. Psychotic artist. Mad genius, famous after death. Eg. Jackson pollock- alcoholic, best work done while sober. Cliché. Mark Rothko suffered from depression, last couple of years his art was very dark. Suicide by hanging after finishing the paintings, inward focused. Another end point, black paint on black paint on black paint.
End of modernism.
Abstract expressionism
- WW2
- Europe was in economic difficulties
- So America became the centre of the western culture, and so American art became famous and known.
Franz Kline: New York, N.Y.
No colour
It's not of anything
It's the idea of New York without being New York.
Painted expressively
Robert Motherwell: Beside the Sea
Record of the movement of the artist.
Jackson Pollock: Blue Poles
Eliminate the paintbrush touching the canvas.
He used house paints because you can flick it around better.
It's just about paint colour on the canvas. Not composition, not anything else just colour.
Full stop. End of modern art. Can't go further.
End point of modernism.
Mark Rothko: No. 61 (Rust and Blue)
Blocks of colour
100s of layers of (thin) paint. It's like skin.
Another end point
It's the end of modernism.
- Emma Wooden
New York, N.Y
Franz Kline
No colours, black and white
Sort of looks like a bridge
Not actually of anything
Symbolises New York instead of showing it. Representational not literal
Draws the eye around the canvas
Done quickly
Inspired by German expressionists in the 1920s
Beside the Sea No. 5
Robert Motherwell
Splats first on the floor, then grey on an easel, black on an easel, red on an easel and finally his name scratched out
The gold is from the oil spreading on the paper
Artwork about the movement an artist has to do to make art
No clue why it's called beside the sea
Action painting
Pollock Painting
Hans Namuth
Didn't use a paintbrush
Sometimes rode his bike over a canvas
Pollock used house paint instead of oil paints
Used expensive house paints
Ran and played on his canvas
House paint is drippier and easier to flick
Pollock is the end point of an art movement of simplifying art to the basest form of painting
Throws the paint at the canvas
Can look at it in any direction and it works
He was always in control of the paint and where it went
Just paint on canvas is a painting
Blue Poles
Jackson Pollock
You can see the actions of the painter
Can see the building up of layers
Not a picture of anything
Abstract art is to be the essence of being human
"I don't paint nature, I am nature." - Jackson Pollock
No. 61 (Rust and Blue)
Mark Rothko
Famous for the big pictures with blocks of colour
The artwork is made up of hundreds of very thin layers of thinned paint
Each layer is almost translucent
Record of the action of the painter
Can see the colours underneath
Gave the world a cliche of what the psychotic artist is
Pollock was alcoholic and did his best artwork while he was sober for 2 years
Van Gogh cut off his own ear and then shot himself in a psych ward
Rothko was quiet but hung to himself more than other abstract expressionists he suffered from depression and his last few artworks were all very dark he committed suicide by hanging himself right after he finished his last artwork
This is the end of modernism. The end point of the strands we've been following. Rothko is the end of cubism, Pollock is the end of expressionism.
Abstract Expressionism
The WW2 changed art. English and allied with France and Russia. Germany had allied with Japan, Italy and Spain. Most important Japan alliance. Leadership similar ideas. Japan attacked. Australia was fighting in Europe and Asia. Japan bombed pearl harbour as Hawaiians were originally Japanese. Drew America into the war. Americans liked the idea of allying with Germany but after pearl harbour they allied with England . Americans bombed Japan after European war to finish the Asian war. Europe economically bad. America became centre of western culture. Before 1940s no American artworks weren't considered as world class artworks. 1940s-50s American
End of modernism. Modernism no hope, physical is all there is, post-modern more than just physical.
Fanz Kline, New York n.y , 1953
Black and white no colour. Streaked. Idea of New York without representing it. Grid like. Symbolisation of it. Composed well as eyes are doing what they are meant to. Inspired by German expressionist. Movement became known as abstract expressionism. Not really linked to nature.
Robert Motherwell , beside the sea no. 5, 1962
Known also as action painting because you can see all the actions the artist has used to make the art work. Not trying to show picture of something, ultimate art about art as it is the artists movement to make art.
Jackson Pollock, blue poles, 1952
Decided to eliminate the brush touching the canvas. He used house paints because it is more fluid and he used expensive paints. Always trying to do something new and different. Jackson pollock is one of the end points of the fundamentals of art. Removes everything except pure colour, paint on canvas, eliminating as much contact with the canvas. These artists are the full stop of modern art. You can see the artists movement. They are creating something new. Best artwork of Jackson Pollock was when he was sober for 2 years. Believed it became something fake. Took it out on Hans. "I don't paint nature, I am nature"
Mark Rothko, no. 61 (rust and blue), 1951
Blocks of colour originally attached to nature not so much later. Made up of hundreds of thinned out paints like skin translucent. Solidness but see through up close. Record of action can see where underlying colours lie. Gave the world a cliche of psychotic artists, a few of them are abstract expressionists. Vincent van Gough prototype. Rothko hung to himself, most abstract artist are aggressive however Rothko calming. Rothko chapel multi faith chapel. Rothko did huge black paintings some is glossy, matt, transparent impressing. Suffered from depression. After a couple of years killed himself after he finished all his artworks and wrote a note. Had no way out of his depression. Artwork becomes profound idea of depression. Tangent of modern art comes to full stop.
By Phoebe Bennett
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