Wassily Kandinsky
Circles Post

Wassily Kandinsky
Black Lines 1 - 1913

Wassily Kandinsky
Study for Composition II - 1909/10
98cm x 131cm, oil on canvas

Gustav Klimt
The Three Ages Of Woman (Die drei Lebensalter der Frau) - 1905
180cm x 180cm, oil on canvas

Gustav Klimt
The Kiss (Der Kuss) - 1907/08
180cm x 180cm, oil and gold leaf on canvas

Henri Matisse
Portrait of Madame Matisse (Green Stripe) (La Raie Verte) - 1905
40.50cm × 32.5cm, oil on canvas

Edvard Münch
The Scream (Skrik) - 1893
91cm × 73.5cm, oil, tempera, and pastel on cardboard
EXPRESSIONISM- Expressing thoughts. Artists using art to express emotion.
Not about academia in structural sense but show what artists are feeling inside. Traditionally painters would paint what things look on outside expressionism is about the inside.
Edvard Munch the scream 1893. Used for analysing as it is easy to read. About expressing complete loneliness and depression nature is screaming and the figure is trying to escape. Considered as beginning of expressionism. Artist from Norway, Northern European thing.
Henry Matisse portrait of Madame Matisse 1905. Fauves/fauvism. Hair in high bun, sharp sort of features, background blocked three secondary colours, face divided by the green, one side yellowish the other whitish, Asian appearance, kimono type clothes. Travel BIG influence of art, especially Japanese design and influences. Henry Mattisses wife dressed up in Japanese style. Colouring unnatural similar to Japanese prints from the time. Emotions/expressions: two sides, not much expression, negative, dominate warm colours, two sidedness makes it hard to pick whether positive or negative painting. Conflicting.
Symbolic colours, secondary, face half yellow half white, somewhat bright and universal, more than just the expression on her face.
Sub genre- Fauvism = wild beasts. Originally used as insult- like most art movements. Popular for 3-4 years.
Gustav Klimt the kiss 1907/08. Man looks king-like, robe and crown, female kneeling face turned away from the man, bright yellow colours surrounding them. Royal looking, on cliff of green grass and flowers, everything kinda merges. Not clear where the on looker is. Unclear position. Not realistic. Represent feelings, comes to symbolise affection and intimacy, she looks a little awkward however, not about the outer looks but more about their emotions. Difficult to decipher.
Sub genre- Secessionists = secede, means when one part of a country breaks away from the whole of the country, idea of breaking away. Artists thought they were deliberately moving away from the mainstream art.
Gustav Klimt the three ages of woman 1905. Woman and child famous. Child and young woman seem together while older woman seems secluded slightly. Dark kind of background young woman stage lightest skin colour, contrast between surrounding and context of woman. Looks collaged, looks like a path. The three stages, child young woman and old woman. Old woman looks distressed and ashamed, hand covering face negativity surrounding her. Difficult to tell perspective, mother and child possibly lying down while older figure looks upright. Peaceful younger figures,
Very decorative and ranges of emotions shown.
Wassily Kandinsky composition 2, unknown date. Jungle-like, lots of colours lots of animals, very bright, bits of nature in artwork, zoo or jungle or parks, chaotic, bleeding lines. In the same way Picasso pushed around nature Kandinsky does the same to show nature as one big happy blur. Nazis very against this type of art, said Kandinsky was degenerate, they didn't like it because it wasn't realistic. Art often written off if not understood.
Wassily Kandinsky black lines 1913. Bright colours, black lines scribbled around, somewhat random looking, looks like euphoria, interpret as what it reminds us visually or what emotions we think is painted, for expressionism is about emotion, so that is how we should interpret it. Interpret from emotive stand point. Dominance of happy but the black lines undermine it. Could be about the general feeling of happiness undermined by smaller things.
Wassily Kandinsky circles post unknown date. Predominantly bright colours but some cooler colours influence the blocks.
By Phoebe Bennett
Expressionism - expressing thoughts and emotions
The Scream
Edvard Münch
Expressing the idea of complete loneliness and alienation
Important, considered beginning of expressionism
Artist Norwegian, Northern Europe
Northern Europeans did more expressionism than the Southern Europeans
Portrait of Madame Matisse
Henri Matisse
The central figure is a woman
There is a green strip down the centre of her face
Half her face is a green yellow
The other half of her face is a pink yellow white
Paintbrush strokes visible
Possibly Japanese
Kimono robe
Japanese style bun
Background is the three secondary colours in blocks
Henri Matisse's wife dressed up in a Japanese style as was the fashion
Unnatural colouring - similar to Japanese prints
She has 2 sides to her
Not much expression to her
Passion and depth
Difficult to judge if it's overly negative or overly positive
Contrasting feelings and emotions existing together at the same time in the same person
Symbolic colours - she is primary, background is secondary
Fauves/ Fauvism means wild beasts
The Kiss
Gustav Klimt
2 figures
Woman is more distinguishable
They appear to be part of the landscape
Made of flowers and plants
The man looks more into the kiss than the woman
In a golden bubble
On a cliff edge
Can't tell perspective, whether they're kneeling and we're beside or if they're lying down and we're looking down on them
Not realistic except her face
Not important what's actually going on - feelings are more important
She looks uncomfortable and indecisive
About the way things are happening and feeling
Secessionists (secede) deliberately moved away from mainstream art
The Three Ages of Woman
Gustav Klimt
The stages of a life are shown, the child, mother and grandmother
They're all naked
Where the women are is coloured but outside of the rectangle they're occupying it's black and dark brown
Old woman half imposed half should be there
The mother and child look peaceful while the old woman looks sad or ashamed
Negativity to the way the old lady is standing
Again difficult to tell the perspective of the picture
Not about showing what things look like
Looking at a range of things: peace and serenity of youth whilst the loneliness and negativity of the older woman.
Very decorative
Not realistic but emotions and showing a range of emotions and mixtures of them
Composition 2
Wassily Kandinsky
Very colourful
People bowing to a pathway
Some forms of nature still
About joy and pleasure in nature
Exaggerated nature
Made it bolder and happier than it is
Doesn't look realistic, many people write it off because it is
Black Lines 1
Wassily Kandinsky
Very vivid colours
Black lines and scribble
Like coloured water balloons dropped on the canvas
Like halved boiled eggs
Pink line running rabbit
Light bulbs
Should be looked at in terms of emotion rather than things
Title tells that it's not about representation but expression
Mix of feelings: happy colours and then angry, sad black lines
Feels like a head, may be happy but still has those past emotions, that we always carry with us
Circles Post
Wassily Kandinsky
Looks like streamer rolls
Looks like something any small child can do
Not trying to impose representation into expression
Expressionism: expressing thoughts and emotions
A Northern European type of art.
The scream
Expresses complete loneliness and alienation, nature is actually screaming and the person is 'running' away from it.
Portrait of Madame Matisse/ the green stripe
Expressionism - Fauves/fauvism = wild beasts
Asian clothes & hairstyle
Thick eyebrows
Lots of colours
Paintbrush strokes
Face is cut in halves with different colours
Background is the three secondary colours
Japanese style was trendy in Europe, the colours, prints, hairstyles, clothes
Passion & depth is expressed through the red and blue
Two different sides to her, green strip halves her feeling / emotions to two different things
Secondary colours - yellow face, blue hair, red kimono.
Expressionism from more than just her face
She is complex, happy & sad.
The kiss
Expressionism - secessionists = secede (when one part of a country breaks away from the other half) in art it means they broke away from traditional art.
Man kissing woman
Yellow clothing- bubble?
Standing on grass
Brown sky/ background
Faces are realistic and everything else is very abstract
Painted with gold leaf
They are surrounded by flowers
On the edge of a cliff or lying down?
Represents the feelings going on in the artist/people in art
They're radiant
Symbolised affection and warmth
It's not about what's on the outside but what the men and woman are feeling
The three ages of woman
There are three woman at different stages of their lives. An old woman, a middle aged mother, and a child.
Brown warm coloured paints used
Contrast from the woman and the background
The woman are in a golden cocoon
Old woman is sad, and ashamed by her pose
Old woman is disjoined to the other two
Compo 2 - Wassily Kandinsky
Gingerbread man
Vibrant colours
Joy & pleasure in nature
Twisted colour
"All of nature is one big blur of happy stuff"
Joyful unrealistic
Nazis called this type of art was degenerate
Black lines 1 - Wassily Kandinsky
Vibrant & vivid bold colours
Black lines
Blotches and stripes of colour
Euphoria "theme"
Black lines undermining
What a person feels when they're happy and the black lines are those bad things that are lurking
Circles post - Wassily Kandinsky
For expressionist art don't always look for the "meaning"
-> Expressing thoughts and emotions.
The scream
It's about expressing loneliness and alienation.
Expressionism was a Northern Europe thing.
Portrait of Madame Matisse
Its a portrait of a lady, with odd colours, her hair is blue and background with orange, purple, green. See brush strokes. Looks Japanese.
Japanese art and design heavily influenced the Europeans in the late 19th century early 20th century.
Expresses: passion and depth, no expression, two sides, both positive and negative.
Symbolic colours: secondary colours, face half white half yellow, red, green.
Complexity: happy sad at the same time.
Wild beasts.
Gustav Klimt: the kiss.
Musty yellows and greens, a man and a woman in a blanket and the man is kissing the lady.
Woman looks awkward. Lots of regular shapes.
Used gold leaf. Background blends into them. An edge of the cliff. Not realistic but the faces are. Radiating warmth.
Symbolise affection
Secessionists - Secede.
Gustav Klimt: the three ages of woman.
There's a young child, a young woman, and an old woman. It's one person. Contrast between the background and where the woman is. Old woman is distress and ashamed, covering her face. She's negative.
Looks at peacefulness of the young figures and the old woman is disjointed
Wassily Kandinsky
Composition 2:
Bright, vibrant, soft lines, joy and pleasure in nature, blurs into each other. Most joyful artworks, the nazis hated it.
Black lines 1:
Vivid colours, black lines, euphoria
Lots of emotions, scars and scratches. A persons emotions.
Circles post:
Don't impose representation.
Emma Wooden
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