
Man Ray - Cadeau (Gift)

Hannah Höch - Da Dandy
1919, photomontage/collage, 30x23cm

Marcel Duchamp - L.H.O.O.Q.
1919 - pencil on postcard

Marcel Duchamp - Bicycle Wheel

Hans Arp - Collage Arranged According To The Laws Of Chance
1917, collage, 49x35cm
Hans Arp
Collage Arranged According To the Laws of Chance
Dropped cut up bits of paper onto another piece of cardboard
Cubism invented 10 years prior and popularised 4 years earlier
Very modern and anti western art
Marcel Duchamp
Bicycle Wheel
Artwork is a "readymade" he altered small details but used an item already in existence
Duchamp takes things that aren't really noticed and does something to them so they can't be ignored
Makes the objects useless
No longer objects of functional use but conceptual function - makes us think about the nature of objects
Marcel Duchamp
Went to the Lourve bought some Mona Lisa postcards and drew on them then called them readymade aided
The name means "she has a hot arse"
He has vandalised the most famous artwork in the world and made a dirty joke about it too
He called it art and conceptually twisted the idea of western art
Dada is the start of postmodernism.
Hannah Höch
Da Dandy
Became famous for her collage work
Her entire artworks just mocked the culture around her
Mocking the nuclear family, fashion, women cut into the side profile of a man
Making models look ugly while they look like they're trying to look special
Dada the word is anti intellectual. Many theories as to how it came about but no confirmation
Man Ray
Cadeau (Gift)
Can no longer function as an iron or nails
Made it as a present for a friend
Something becomes art when the artist says its art
Kurt Schwitters
Formally still poetry
Dada anti-western world
Hans arp 1917 - letting go and allowing chance to take part in the process, huge change from previous works cubism invented before this, big shift from 20 years before.
Bicycle wheel by de champ 1919- a ready made, concept over technical skill, takes things people don't notice and make them impossible to ignore, left useless, only conceptually functional, every artwork is a ready made aided
L. H. O. O. Q by de champ 1919- ready made aided, title = she has a hot arse, vandalised most important no. 1 artwork, conceptually twisted western art, post modernism begins with dada, appropriation,
Da dandy by Hannah Hoch 1919 - collage of modern times, fashion models mocking them by using their photos in a somewhat grotesque way
Cadeau (gift) by Man Ray 1919 - useful, functionally useless from original purpose, when the artist says it has become art
Ursonate by Kurt Schwritters 1922-32 - did same thing with words
Dada = dad bc easy sound for babies to say, baby talk, French dictionary opened it and picked at random, anti intellectual
By Phoebe Bennett
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